Act Two - the crisis
This is the fourth part of my blog on the three act structure. Act two begins with the crisis for the protagonist. This is an emotional moment where the reader can clearly see the impact of the trigger on the main character's flaw. The last piece of act one was the trigger. It's the event which pushes our protagonist into the crisis and sets the stage for change to commence. The character cannot grow without this ingredient and without growth the reader would get bored. What's worse than someone who never changes? I have known people like this who lament their circumstances but keep doing the same thing over and over and wonder why the outcome is never different. Eventually everyone gets tired of this person because he or she never hits that crisis which forces the change. Whereas much of act one can be plot driven the crisis is all about the character and the story. Here's an example of where crisis might push someone in a new direction. Think about a gambler who ...