What time is it?

When you read a mystery does timing matter? No, I don't mean the time of day, but rather the timing of the plot. If the story seems scattered, perhaps the author didn't follow the "rules".

Mysteries generally follow a three Act structure. You could simplify this as the beginning, middle and end. The plot must have more than just the three parts, as each one is further defined by what makes up the sections. For example, the beginning would have the introduction to the character(s). The beginning should also contain the hook (that which grabs your attention), the backstory (character history) and the trigger (the thing which causes the protagonist to go into the crisis). The second Act should include the crisis, struggle and epiphany. and the final, or third Act should have the plan, climax and ending. In future blogs, I will break these down into their individual components so that you can watch for them as you read.

For now, keep the three Act method in mind and look for the spots in the next book you read where the writer moves you from one Act to the following.

Happy Trails,



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