If he's funny will he lose your respect?

I wanted to write a blog about leading men with a sense of humor in books. I could think of a dozen movies where the actor was funny and also a leading man. Coming up with a book with the same foundation has proven to be more difficult. Not just difficult but impossible. Every internet search returns me only movies with funny leading men.

This leads me to wonder why we aren't making men funny in books. I can find books with funny women leads but no men. And I also have to ponder what makes a leading man funny. Does he have to be a serious character for readers to fall in love with him? If he acts silly or makes us laugh, do we not root for him to win the girl or succeed?

What are the characteristics that make a funny leading man successful?

Since I can't find a book with a leading man with these qualities, I had to use a photo of great funny leading man in movies. I snagged this off the internet so I'm not able to recognize the photographer.

Happy Trails,


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