Does a review matter?

When you decide which movie to go to do you read the reviews first or watch the trailer? If you want to try out a new restaurant do you immediately scroll through Yelp to see what other diners thought? Would you read a new author who had only a few reviews posted?   If everyone else likes something does that guarantee you will too?  I ask these questions because I am wondering how much other people's opinions matter.

I am guilty of this to a degree. I always read the reviews first to see if I think I will like something before I invest my money or my time. However, I loved the remake of the Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp, even though it was panned by critics. I have hated some written work that others have loved, and vice versa.

Think about something - an activity, a film, a restaurant, or a book - that you loved despite how others felt about it. Was it freeing or scary to spit into the wind of what was not popular or trending? I like to imagine that my opinions matter to someone else, but even more importantly, that they matter to me.

I challenge you to consider this the next time you are selecting a new book. Take a chance on someone new. Be the first to read a book by an author whose name doesn't appear on the New York Times best seller list. Consider the many hours that writer has spent to try to put the characters from her head onto the page and give her a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Happy Trails,


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