Glendale Chocolate Affaire by L. A. Keller

I can't believe this will be my third year participating in the Glendale Chocolate Affaire as an author. It seems like yesterday that I ventured to the event alone as an aspiring writer. Jenn McKinlay, a New York Times best selling cozy author, spoke to a small group and kept us laughing with her amazing sense of humor. More than that, she gave us hope that we could write and be published.

Since then I've had my ups and downs, like most authors do.  There are days when it seems impossible to compose a sentence, let alone another book in the series. Despite those times, I am compelled to write. Regardless of what I'm doing dialogue and scenes have a way of inserting themselves into my train of thought. In the middle of a sleepless night, Jayne may have a conversation with me about what she thinks should happen.  Sound crazy?  Probably not to another author!

If you are local and have a chance to stop by for some fun kids entertainment, music, food vendors and wonderful Cerrata's chocolates please stop by the booth and say hello. Cerrata has been a sponsor of the romance writers for years and I've been a fan of their chocolates since I moved to Arizona in the 90's.

Happy Trails,


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