The rescued road to recovery - Tilly's story

I must start this story at the beginning, well actually, it's the ending which makes it a backward way to begin.

Once there was a very handsome fellow named, Parker. He had a rough few years before Julie came along and took him into her loving arms. She drove for hours to rescue this chap from California and the years slipped by quickly - too quickly, in fact, for his time in this world was short.

He left his print on her heart, his bed cold, his things neglected. How do you know when you can stop the grieving?  How long is long enough when you miss your best friend? How do you fill the empty space he left behind?

Many would say you wait and let time heal. Some would say to run out and find a new love. I believe that your heart knows when it's ready, long before it registers on your brain. And so began Julie's mission - she didn't know if she was ready. She only knew that she had an ocean of love to give and a drive to give it to one who needed it.

Thus, the search began. Is he the one? Should I take him home? Will I love him as much as I did Parker? Am I ready to love again?

And on a fateful Sunday, she and I began a journey together. Yes, even though it's her path, I feel that I walk beside her because I may be partially responsible for what happened. In the last building, in the last pen at the county animal control, Julie found her new love. So a few days later when the time was up, Matilda waltzed into our hearts - Tilly or Tilly Mint for short. I've never fallen in love so hard or so quickly. With each supposition of where she came from and where she is heading, I am certain that her story must be told.

So here's to you Tilly Mint and my effort to document your life (as we imagine it was and as we see it unfold).

The before:

Happy Trails


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