An Interview with Trent Hayworth from Menu for Murder

This is an excerpt from an interview held with Trent Hayworth after the death of the mayor of Cave Creek, Arizona.

Reporter:  Mr. Hayworth, after mayor McArthur was murdered, rumors suggested you may have been a suspect.

Trent:  That's preposterous.

Reporter:  Can you describe your relationship with the mayor?

Trent:  We had a working relationship. The mayor was helping to raise funds for the women's shelter.

Reporter:  I have a source who alleges there was an audit of the books and funds were missing.

Trent:  I have never been charged with any wrongdoing.

Reporter:  I didn't suggest you were responsible for the shortages, only that they existed.

Trent:  The women's shelter will be completed as soon as we get the final permits. All funds are accounted for.

Reporter:  There are other allegations that you may have been involved in a prostitution ring.

Trent:  I'm a good family man! I have a wife and kids. Are you trying to destroy my reputation and my life?

Reporter:  I'm just trying to give you an opportunity to put the rumors to rest.

Trent:  There is no proof that I have hired young men for sex.

Reporter:  What?

Hmm, sounds like Trent may be saying too much. If you want to full scoop you'll have to read Menu for Murder.

Happy Trails,


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