Paperback or E-Book - it's a mystery

I recently attended an "author palooza" event as a reader, not as an author. Held at a small private bookstore, I met with a number of local authors. Everyone had their books on display, as I expected they would. There is something exciting about picking up a book for the first time and feeling my pulse quicken at the images on the cover. The new book smell wafting around me and the intrigue of the back cover text.

I was tempted, very tempted to purchase more than one of the books. I didn't. Not because the books didn't interest me. Not because I didn't believe they were well written. I didn't purchase a single book because I am a Kindle addict. Perhaps I am a Kindle snob. I love, love, love my Kindle. It is the single best gift I have ever received in terms of the amount of time I have it glued to my hands. I can't count the number of times I've fallen asleep with it in my hands only to have it smack me in the face. Awake once again, I continue reading right where I left off.

Do I love the fact that my e-book reader never loses my place? Are you kidding??? Yes. Do I love that I can make the print large enough to read even when my eyes are too tired to focus. Yes, yes. Do I love that I can take it everywhere I go simply by dropping it into my bag? Yes, yes, yes. But what I love the most is that I now have about thirty books to pick from. I never have that feeling of panic that I have almost finished a book and don't have another one waiting in the wings. I love it so much I have worn the keys off the face. Perhaps it's finally time for one with a built-in light? Oh YES!

I feel very guilty that I am contributing to the demise of the bookstore. I miss the times I would go into Barnes & Noble or my local library and leave with an armful of books. I miss the excitement of pursuing the spines and picking up a new author for the first time. That excitement is sorely lacking in my beloved Kindle. When Menu for Murder first arrived in the mail I was beyond excited to hold it in my hands. There really is nothing that will take the place of a real book.

At some point in the near future I will be that author sitting behind the table with my books stacked hoping to reach a new reader. If you happen to wander by I hope you will want to have that hard copy printed version to hold in your hands - and maybe even have the author sign it.

Happy trails,



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