When is there time to read?

I admit to being a bit (okay a lot) obsessively organized. I use three different calendars in my life - one for my "day job", one for my personal life and one for my writing life. Oh yes, and then there's the one with my menu planner. I write lists and more lists of what I must do over the course of an eighteen hour day.  I love the feeling of crossing items off my to do list. Although it is stressful when there's still a very long list at the end of the day which wasn't done.

What's missing? I don't schedule my reading time. I squeeze in a few minutes at bedtime. I tell myself it helps me relax. In a way, that's true. When I'm reading I'm not thinking about my long to do lists. But a really good book doesn't help me fall asleep either but rather keeps me awake even longer. I can't count the number of times I have been awaken because my Kindle hit me in the face when I fall asleep with it in my hands!

So I'm asking - when do you read? Are you someone who listens to audio books while driving in rush hour? Do you carry a book with you everywhere and gobble up a few pages when you can steal a moment?  Are you someone who juggles reading multiple books at the same time?

Is there a secret to being able to stuff more and more into one day and if you know what it is will you please, please, please share it with me so I have more time to read.

Happy trails,



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