What has happened to our bookstores?

I found this on Pinterest but can't recall
what website it came from. I apologize to
 the creator for not making note of it.
With Barnes & Noble rumored to be closing a store in Phoenix, will we have any places left to shop for books? To enjoy the feel of a book in our hands and flip through the pages before we buy it.

I admit that I do ninety-nine percent of my reading on my Kindle. It's lightweight, portable and easy to attach a book light to so I can read in bed without having the lamp shining in my partner, Raymond's face.

I try not to print anything that I don't absolutely have to - in order to save paper. I recycle as much as allowed and re-use every chance I get.

So perhaps I am as much to blame as anyone else for the demise of our bookstores. But I will miss them.

For anyone who loves books, there is something very special about walking into a area filled with books. I love the library for the same reason. It's like the best birthday present you could wish for - floor to ceiling books! I love the way they smell, the touch of a new (or used) book in my hands, the colors and titles. I love reading the snippets about the book on the cover and teasing myself with a glance at the first few pages. Would I go so far as to say this is better than sex or chocolate - maybe. If not better, at least a tie for first place on my list.

I hope that our electronic obsession will not force the closing of all bookstores. As an author, there is nothing better than seeing your work in print. Despite my love of reading on my own electronic device, I still feel the thrill of holding a new book in my hands and opening the first page.

Do you think it's possible we can save the bookstores or is it inevitable that they will all close their doors eventually?

Happy trails,



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