Crazy Criminals of the nonhuman variety by L. A. Keller

I have a cat who is a thief. Chance will sneak in and swipe the one screw needed to finish assembling the new ceiling fan. If you happen to leave your cell phone on the counter, he will make it his mission to knock it to the floor and then try to put it where you won't ever look.  If you happen to leave anything that can roll, bounce, scoot, or be dragged it will disappear. I've found many 'lost' items under the dining room table or where only someone with a six foot long arm could reach. All the while I'm sure he is chuckling to himself about the trouble he has caused.

His latest escapade made me wonder about crazy animal criminals and if they are as funny as their human counterparts.  Here are a few provided by a Fox News article.

Velvet monkeys in St. Kitt's are known for their love of alcohol. They will roam the beaches waiting for vacationers to step away from their drinks. Then it's off to have a party of their own, cocktails in hand.

Dusty the housecat is notorious in his neighborhood for his nighttime home invasions. His human reports that he has stolen over six hundred items. On a 'good' night, Dusty may steal more than ten items. I doubt she is very popular on her street.

In Montana a black bear has been accused of more than home break-ins. A resident woke at three am to find the bear standing in his kitchen munching on a frozen pizza.  Apparently the bear was not able to figure out the microwave.

Willie the rescued raccoon almost destroyed an entire home. Returning from a vacation, his human found that he had torn holes in the walls and munched on anything he could find. I think he needs a better pet sitter.

While I may not wish a kitty burglar on you, there is no end to the amusement my rescue cats provide on a daily basis. Nothing is funnier to Chance than biting us on the rear end when his litter box is being cleaned - not so funny to be on the receiving end.

Happy Trails,


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