Character Diversity - what makes us unique

What makes a particular character stand out from others? What traits make you want to know more about the character, whether he or she is a good guy or a villain?

I'll use the Wizard of Oz, because the characters are so ingrained in our minds that it's easy to see what we love or hate about them.

Let's start with the Scarecrow. Who didn't fall in love with him? He was the first one Dorothy met and we all know he was her favorite. He thinks he doesn't have a brain because he's made of straw but ultimately he is able to reason and give her the best counsel.  When the monkeys attacked he literally had the straw knocked out of him but came back fighting. Is it his compassion that drew us in or his funny side? Maybe it was his vulnerability? He had so many traits it would be hard to pick just one.

Next we have the tin man - man of steel who has no heart. What is more touching than the first time he cries. He has so much emotion that he risks his life by rusting with his own tears.

Then there's the cowardly lion, who ultimately has more courage than he believed. He too would risk his life to safe Dorothy.

Brains, humor, vulnerability, emotion, and courage - just a few traits that made us love this story. Think about the traits of each person as you read your next book. Make a note of what moves or inspires you to turn the pages.

Happy Trails,


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