What's on the Page by L. A. Keller
I'm including a new monthly feature to keep my readers in the loop about what's been happening in my writing world. These posts will include information about new releases from me, book events and general updates. This year has been exceptional - exceptionally hectic, exceptionally distracting but also productive. I've continued work on the third book in the Jayne Stanford series. Darn that Jayne who keeps me hopping because she isn't doing what I expected her to do. However, I'm working hard to wrap up the story and get her out of my head. I ended 2018 and began 2019 in Miami Beach with family. I admit I was quite spoiled by the spa treatments, White Christmas performance and amazing food we enjoyed. In February, I participated in the Scottsdale Library's annual Authors event. This is the third time I've been a part of this event and each time it's as much fun for the authors as it is for the attendees. I followed this event up the follow...