I Don't Believe in Happily Ever After by L.A. Keller

“I gave up on happily ever after. Maybe I'm not cut out for a relationship. Maybe, I just don't like being committed to one person for longer than two weeks.”

Clare hadn't been to her grandfather's farm since his death six months prior. She pulled over on the dirt road just before the driveway which meandered up to the dilapidated ranch-style house. Even with her windows up, the smell of hay made her hold her nose to suppress a sneeze.  The incessant clucking of the chickens, as they roamed the yard pecking at insects set her teeth on edge.  She wondered for the hundredth time that day why her granny remained so far from town.  She took a deep breath, sneezed and put the car in drive.

The rental car bumped over the ruts in the driveway. Clare shook her head.  It was another thing to be fixed if she was going to sell the property. No doubt Granny would give her some pushback but Clare had to work for a living and Granny would have to adapt.  Life was all about change and everyone had to suck it up.

Dust swirled around her car as she opened the door and popped the trunk. She grabbed her small carryon bag and the sack of groceries she purchased on her way through town.  A few apples, eggs and salad mix would help keep her on the low carb diet she started two days ago. It was the third time this month and this time she was determined to stick to the plan. A bottle of wine would have tasted lovely but she couldn’t afford the empty calories if she was going to fit into her wedding dress. The front door opened before Clare reached it.  Granny Mae wobbled out with her cane and the toothless old hound, Bubba who was creeping up on ninety in dog years.  He lifted his nose to her scent, decided she was harmless and plopped down under Mae’s feet.

“Honey, I’m so happy you came.”  Mae held out her arms.

Clare dropped her bags and pulled her last living relative into a long hug. “I’m happy to be here. We have so much to do."

Mae released Clare from the hug but held her at arm’s length, her grip strong despite the arthritis which partially crippled her hands.  “Now, don’t go making up busy work. There’s already plenty to do on a farm and we need some girl time. “

“Of course Granny but we will have lots of time for that too.”

“Come on in the house honey and we can have a glass of sweet tea. I just pulled your favorite cookies out of the oven.”

Clare felt her mouth water and her resolve waiver at the thought of warm Mississippi Mud Cookies. This trip was going to be harder than she expected.


Happy Trails,


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