Crazy Criminals by L. A. Keller

This month's edition of crazy criminals continues to confound me.  These are some Arizona criminals as reported in the New Times or other journals, as noted.

Let’s start with the momma’s boy.

The shame and embarrassment of being broke, 35-years-old, and living with his mother drove Jason Draper to allegedly steal over $45,000 worth of merchandise from Walmart stores over the course of several months. At least, that's what Draper told police.

If there's any benefits to getting robbed by friends, it would be that you likely know several different ways to get in contact with them. One woman used Facebook to help police track down and arrest her former friend Brandi Rogers, after Rogers allegedly helped orchestrate a gun-point robbery of her home.
Rogers and the woman were Facebook friends, and a status update posted a few days after the robbery allowed the woman to tell the police where Rogers would be eating one particular evening, and police arrested her there.

Witnesses told police they saw Carlos Sturgus shoot an innocent bystander while he was having a gun battle with another man. It was tough for Sturgus to evade police because there just aren't that many guys out there with a New York Yankees symbol tattooed right smack-dab in the middle of their forehead. 

This former teacher and real estate executive, John Brigham let drugs get the best of him --leading to him crash his car, strip naked, dance on top an SUV, highjack cars and then crash into some more cars -- all of this in the middle of Scottsdale, according to the cops. He injured several others during his rampage, including a pregnant woman who sustained two broken legs.

When police in Vancouver, Canada, asked to search Jason Pauchay’s apartment for drugs, he was not a suspect—in fact, they were looking for someone else. That all changed when they got a look at how his name was listed on his cell phone: “Jason Pauchay Drug Dealer.” Source: The Leader-Post (Regina, Canada)

Happy Trails,


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