Act Three - Climax

We are almost at the end of the discussion on the three act structure. The second part of act three is the climax. It is here where the antagonist is defeated by her flaw and the final conflict between our hero and the villain occurs.

By the name you already know that this is the highest point in the action. This is the scene where James Bond saves the world, when Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west or when all the players collide in one catastrophic collision. Watch for short sentences without lengthy narrative. If you're at the movies, this is the part where you may jump out of your seat and spill your popcorn. If you're reading the story, this is the part where you find yourself staying up until way past your bedtime, unable to stop turning the pages.

As an author, this is the most fun for me to write. In Menu for Murder,I envisioned the scene long before I ever reached the midway point. However, Jayne has a mind of her own and the actual ending was different than I planned.  In the second book Cocktails at Sunset, I started the book with the climax in mind. Once again, my planning was thwarted by Jayne's strong will to write her own story.

Besides the ending, this portion of the three act structure is the easiest to identify as a reader. Obviously, a mystery or thriller must include a fast paced climax but every story must have a point of no return, an element where the characters are propelled forward.

Happy Trails,


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