Editing and other strange hobbies
If you have never written a full length manuscript or even begun to write one, you may not comprehend the enormity of the task. When I first started my novel I had an idea that tugged at me write it down. Putting the words to paper was the easy part. At least it seems so now when I look back! As I worked through the beginning I learned that an outline was a good idea. That job was fairly easy since I knew where I wanted my character to go. Finally I finished the novel and then came the query process to find an agent. Which, although incredibly time consuming, is not too daunting a task. What does take up my time these days? Editing, editing and more editing. I wish I could say that I wrote it perfectly the first time. That would be a lie. Despite having read it myself from cover to cover at least one hundred times, I still find issues every time I read it again. This is d...