The world through the eyes of Chance by L. A. Keller

My recent assignment was to describe a day through the eyes of an animal. I selected my rescue kitty Chance, who is also known as The Prince due to his lifestyle and attitude. Here's how I think he experiences an average morning in words I imagine he would use.

I have to pee.
I'm too tired to get up and it's cold in here.
I'm thirsty. 
Why does momma put a top on the water bowl she puts next to the bed? She knows I get thirsty at night. She should share.
I have to pee. I'm too tired to walk.
Guess I have to get up since no one wants to carry me into the other room. Why is my litter box so far away?

Chance eyeballs how far it is to the floor from the bed. He hops down and trudges into the kitchen which appears to be at least forty miles away. 

First, a snack of some crunchy food - but only six bites, half of which must be spit out as yucky. Twenty-three steps exactly to sneak up on the water bowl from behind the trash can. I like to lick the water from the opposite side of where I sit even though sometimes it means my chest is wet. Less work later to have to wash up on my own. I have human servants to clean my eyes and nose when I get messy.

Lick, pause, lick, pause. Look around the room to see if my brother is sneaking up on me. Lick, pause, lick. Think about how far it is to walk back into the bedroom and if momma will pull the covers back and snuggle me. Lick, pause, lick. Okay, I'm full.

Stroll ever so slowly back towards the bedroom.  Stop off to pee.  The litter box door is open too far and I hope no one walks by while I do my business. It's my private time. Business done, cover, cover, cover it up. Eww so smelly.

Back to the bedroom which is my most favorite place in the house. Soft and warm and everyone tells me how cute I am when I lay on top and pull my back foot all the way up to my mouth. I AM exceptionally cute. In fact, once a year small humans, dressed in elaborate costumes ring the bell and visit me. My momma or daddy give them treats to let them know how much I appreciate their admiration.  I like treats too.

Jump back up to the bed on daddy's side. He makes an umph sound when I land on his tummy. Walk around and peek at his face. Are you awake yet?  Doesn't matter, I sleep on momma's side anyway. 

Step off daddy and creep up to momma's face. Momma pull the covers back, I'm cold.  Momma always pulls the covers back and I put my butt close to her face. I like her to know that I trust her so much that I can sleep with my most vulnerable parts exposed to her. Momma wraps her arm around me and covers me up.  

Ahhhhh. I'm so tired.

Happy Trails,


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