Crazy Criminals by L. A. Keller

Each month I try to lighten the mood with a few oddball or crazy criminals. These have been compiled from Associated Press and other sources as noted.

In 2014, a clothing and jewelry boutique in southern Illinois realized that some of its stock was missing, including a colorful, leopard-print dress. The store's co-owners turned to Facebook for help, posting about the stolen items. A keen-eyed Facebook friend noticed that a woman had been posting photos of herself wearing the distinct dress on her own page. The amateur detective made the connection and helped police identify the woman who was arrested on misdemeanor retail theft charges.

In May 2015, two burglars in Chickasha kicked in the back door of their neighbors home and stole almost $4,000 worth of goods. Only one problem, they forgot to empty the oil out of the deep fryer they stole. The thieves left a trail of grease from the burglarized home all the way to their home across the street. When officers arrived and noticed the trail of grease, they knocked on the door of the burglars home and found the stolen items. The two men were booked on second degree burglary and concealing stolen property.

In 2013, a man stole a computer from Owasso First Assembly of God Church and then makes an even dumber move. A few weeks after stealing the computer, the thief got frustrated he couldn't access porn, so he called tech support to ask for it to be removed. The computer had software installed called Covenant Eyes...which tracks sinful activity. The software company alerted the church who then notified the police. He was caught with the computer in his home and confessed to taking it.

As two men waited on line at the coffee shop to pay their bill, a third cut in front of them. He threw a drink at the clerk, and demanded all the money from the till. Temporarily surprised, the men quickly recovered and handcuffed the crook. Apparently in his rush the criminal didn't notice they were police officers—in full uniform. Source:

Happy Trails,


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