Jayne's next adventure

Jayne's next adventure is underway and it looks like she'll be off to enjoy a few days in Colorado with her best friend Bailey. Up to this point, Bailey has been somewhat of a mystery. We know from the first two books she doesn't like to drive.  We know she rescues animals and also an orphaned young woman.  We know she works in computer security and has her own business. But we really don't know Bailey.

As the creator of this character, it's been fascinating to discover who Bailey is. I never like to reveal too many clues but I will say that she had some significant events in her past and they will come to light in book three.

Sadly, I don't know exactly where the story is going, even though I have a comprehensive outline. In the writing process I may think the story is going in one direction, only to find as the words appear on the page, that I was mistaken. As Bailey unveils herself to me, I hope her character is one that grabs your attention and makes you want to see her in a separate series. That's always a possibility if Jayne will release me long enough!

Happy Trails,


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