Book Review - Fortune's Rock by Anita Shreve

Let me first say that this is not a cozy or a mystery of any kind. I read this book because my mother told me at least five times to read it. I'm a fan of Anita Shreve, so it really didn't take that much coaxing for me to read it.

This is the story of a fifteen year old girl, Olympia, on the summer that she moves from girl to young woman while at her family's summer home in Fortune's Rocks. The reader is transported to a small cape town near Boston in the early 1900's. A time when women were expected to behave in a certain proper manner - not lift up their skirts to splash in the cold Atlantic waves and certainly not to become involved with a much older married man.

I admit, I was uncomfortable with the relationship which developed between Olympia and John Haskell. A man of forty should be able to resist a girl her age, regardless of the attraction. Since their love affair comprised a large part of the book, it was a negative for me.

Without giving away everything that happens, I did like the book and the way the author wrapped everything up at the end. I am still at a loss to determine what, if any, lesson was to be learned by this story. Love conquers all? True love will survive any obstacles? Go for what you want regardless of who gets hurt?

This was an enjoyable read, if not somewhat disturbing in the theme.

Happy trails,



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