Death - by a blow to the head or by a fall - Part 2 of ways to die

In Part 1 of ways to die, I compared gunshots to stabbing. In case you missed that earlier post, I voted for stabbing. Not that I want to die by any method, other than old age, but as a writer of murder mysteries, I am always thinking of ways to kill off characters.

Gunshots and stabbing are the most popular methods, with bodily force coming in a close third. Guns and knives are the easiest for the killer because he or she doesn't have to look very far to find the "tools of the trade", so to speak. If we're looking for what is the most handy, then obviously bodily force allows our killer to act spontaneously.

Personally, I'm not a fan of having my killer bludgeon someone to death. A correctly placed strike to the head is one thing but repeated blows is more violence than I would enjoy before bedtime. On the other hand, I find a fall from a building somewhat appealing - as long as you aren't the one who finds the body!

In a cozy, the murder occurs off the page. That means there is no graphic violence for the reader to navigate. Given a choice in methods, my selection would be to push someone off a building before I hit him or her over the head. It leaves less evidence on the killer and is much neater. Which method is more interesting for you to read and to solve?

Happy trails,



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