How life gets in the way of fiction

Unfortunately, once again I am distracted by life's events, making it difficult for me to focus on writing.  A very dear friend of thirty-five years has been diagnosed with cancer.  Her fight is preoccupying my mind and my heart.

What I want to do is spend precious moments in her company, hopefully provide a distraction for her and maybe even make her laugh.  What I must do is perform my daily tasks, one of which is to complete a certain amount of work in the second novel.

I don't have an answer for how an author can put aside the trials and tribulations of daily living in order to shut down the distractions.  This is a challenge I have yet to resolve.

What I do know is that every day brings us an opportunity to embrace those experiences, to absorb them and to at some point take the emotions, feelings, laughter and tears and pour that onto the pages.

I pray that the outcome will be positive for my friend and I hope that you and your family are never touched by this disease in any of its forms.



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