Time is passing

It pains me to admit that I have done absolutely nothing which involves writing for most of this month.  I don't know where the time went, except for the long weekend I spent visiting family in the mid-west.  For the rest of the month it seems I've done nothing at all.

This situation makes me wonder just how dedicated I am to writing and getting my work published.  Wouldn't you think for someone who has one novel finished, another one outlined and begun and a short story only mere words from completion that she would be anxious to move forward? 

I lay blame on my other job - the one that gives me a paycheck on a regular basis for taking up my time and leaving my brain exhausted at the end of the day.  I blame my desire to celebrate life and enjoy my free time by doing activities that take me away from the keyboard.  I blame my partner for having a birthday, okay I don't really blame him for that!  But to be totally honest, I blame myself because I would rather do other things then get myself focused on fulfilling my dreams.

Why is it so easy for us find excuses not to keep trying?  I'm hoping that the writers groups and conference that I'm attending at the end of this month will recharge my batteries and get me back on track.

If you are a writer with the same feelings, please post your comments.  I would love to hear some ideas on how you keep yourself motivated.



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