The Royal Treatment (The Crown Jewels Romantic Comedy Series Book 1) by Melanie Summer, by L. A. Keller

I'm not sure what prompted me to download this book because it's not a mystery and I don't read many romance novels. I'm so glad I did!  This is the first book that has literally made me laugh out loud-ever.

The story flips point of view between Poppy and the very unlikeable Prince Arthur, whom we meet first. There are a number of chapters where you really don't like him based on the way he thinks about and treats women.  It's a hard road to pull the reader back to his team but the author manages to do it gracefully.

Here is an excerpt from one of the first comments he makes when talking about a woman he has casual sex with, "who lets me play her back-nine whenever she's in town...". In the next sentence he explains her father owns golf courses but the reader already has formed an opinion of him. By page 42 my dislike of the prince has gone too mildly annoyed to adding the note that "He's a pig".

Poppy doesn't like the prince, or any of the royal family, and makes a living blogging about how they should be removed. She also makes money by reviewing products.  It is her review of the Shock Jogger that may be my favorite part of the entire book.  Warning this book does have some bad language in places so if the "F" word offends you, then skip it. The curse words aren't throughout but where you find them felt appropriate to me.

Another line which I particularly loved and could relate to was this one:  "I point with my glass, and wine sloshes onto the floor. I sop it up with my sock and pretend it didn't happen."  I might have done this myself a time or two.

It's Poppy who you love almost the instant her voice starts.  There are more great lines but I'll only quote one more here:  "Then I reach down my blouse and adjust my bra so that the underwire is no longer digging into my left boob."  I can totally relate to this!

I don't want to spoil the story but I will say that I have already downloaded the second book in the series. I hope Poppy continues to embarrass me when I laugh out loud in public ( and then glance around to see if I was really loud).

The Royal Treatment

Happy Trails,


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