Inspiration - where does it come from?

I am frequently asked how I find the inspiration to create my characters. Often I take from the world around me - a funny story told by a friend, a person I pass in the airport, someone I'm standing behind in the grocery checkout line. These snippets may pop up as a full blown character or they may play a very small role.

A good example of this shows up in Cocktails at Sunset. I was standing in line at the office supply store behind a petite older lady wearing wide legged, cotton pants embellished with American flags. I was so struck by her confidence, and the joy she exuded by her outfit, that I immediately made notations in my phone. If I hadn't thought it would have been too rude, I would have taken her picture. In one scene in Cocktails at Sunset this outfit is worn by Arlene. It epitomized what I thought she would wear.

I think most writers will tell you that we spend a good portion of our time absorbing other people's lives. Writing is a solitary activity. Although I may listen to music while I write, I rarely have a conversation. But as soon as I'm away from the laptop, whatever you do or say within my range of sight or hearing is fair game. 

Happy Trails,


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